
Thursday 3 November 2016

Can't Wait for December! (5 Reasons I Love December!)

I know it's only the 3rd day of November but I’m already SO LOOKING FORWARD FOR DECEMBER! December has always been one of my favourite months of the year. I think it's the awesome-st month of the year! As I love this particular month so much, I thought I'd tell you guys why. Reasons why:

  1. (Almost) Everyone’s on holiday!
    The schools are on a long holiday. College and university students have at least a week off for Christmas depending on their schedules. Workers get to have at least Christmas day off or more if they’re lucky and work for not-sucky organizations. Best time to be spending travelling to another country or going back home to the family or chilling to the max or however you want to!

    cold tea with my Viatnamese and Cambodian friends in Ho Chi Minh.

  2. Engagement and Wedding parties!
    One of the favourite months for Malaysian couples to get engaged or get married is December because *refer to point no.1*.
    This year, I will be attending an aunty’s wedding on the 10th in Lawas and (if nothing gets in the way) a best friend’s engagement party on the 26th in Bintulu! These are times when you get to celebrate happy couples’ moments and at the same time, meet and catch up with everyone else present! And there might be good food involved!

    that time when we were on bridesmaid duty for our bestfriend.
  3. Reunions and Gatherings!
    It is the best time to plan for family/friends reunions/gatherings.This year, we have TWO FAMILY PARTIES planned! One is to celebrate my maternal grandma (my grandpa passed away many years ago) and grand aunty on the 12th in Brunei; and another one is to celebrate my paternal grandpa and grandma on the 16th in Ba’Kelalan! I’ll get to meet my uncles and aunties and cousins! And there would definitely be GOOOOD FOOOOOOD! Can’t wait!

    one with grandpa & grandma. yes, some of us are wearing PJs whatever :p

  4. Meeting long-time-no-see homies!
    Most people go back to their kampungs and hometowns during long breaks and important celebrations like Christmas. So, if you go back to your kampung or hometown, you’ll get the chance to meet families and old friends! December is definitely the best month to spend some quality time with families and friends.

    with a few of my homies and new friends.

  5. Christmas!!!
    Celebrating the birth of Jesus! Christmas parties! Christmas visits! Christmas carols! Christmas trees! Christmas lights! Christmas decorations! Christmas specials on TV! Christmas Eve church services! Christmas countdown on Christmas Eve! Christmas wildboar and other Christmas GOOOOOD FOOOOOD!!!
    For us Lun Bawangs, since almost all of us are Christians, Christmas is a big thing! It’s the most important celebration of the year.
    The only other celebration that we celebrate annually is Irau Aco Lun Bawang (Lun Bawang Festival) which is a cultural festival where we share what traditional and cultural things we still exercise after embracing Christianity (so, no more rice wines or head hunting activities. Haha). It actually falls on the 1st of June and was initially a harvest festival like what many other ethnics/tribes in Borneo are celebrating on that same date. The celebration usually goes on for a few days or so, sometimes starting a few days earlier now.

    Image by my nephew via facebook

    Image by my friend via facebook

So, there you have it. 5 reasons why I LOVE DECEMBER SO MUCH! I CAN'T WAIT FOR DECEMBER! Now that I double-think of it, no month beats December! It is definitely my most favourite month of the year! Don't you feel the same?

p/s: some of the pictures in this post are not particularly taken on a December, but they kinda fit the descriptions. I lost almost all of my pictures I stored in my other laptop which was stolen not so long ago, so I had a pretty hard time searching for pictures taken in the many Decembers I have gone through. :(

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