
Monday 24 October 2016

15 Firsts!

Hi, there!

To start off my blog, here are some of my firsts that I'd like to share with you. These are mostly random questions I got from the internet. Anyways, here goes..

  1. What was the first thing you did this morning?
    I oil pulled with virgin coconut oil. Classy.

    Our very own Baa Ro'! VCO
  2. When was your first sleepover?
    I'm not sure when exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was at my cousin's.
  3. What was your first pet?
    A rabbit when I was probably 3 or 4. It got bitten by a dog and died. I cried. A neighbour ended up cooking it for lunch! And I actually ate it! (Yes, some Malaysians eat rabbits) I thought it was chicken. No one told me until afterwards. I thought it was cruel, but I got over it after thinking over the fact that the rabbit was already dead before they decided to cook it. Never eaten rabbits since though.
  4. What was the first thing you learned to cook?
    Rice. I guess it's safe to say that all Malaysian (or Lun Bawang, at least) kids learned to cook rice first before learning to cook other more complicated food.
  5. When was the first time you cut class?
    In Primary 6. Only for some extra classes. Regardless, I still got straight As after. Heh
  6. What was the first movie you watched at a cinema?
    Tarzan the animated movie. With my dad and my younger brother.
  7. Who was your first celebrity crush?
    Eminem. That was in Secondary school. I still have a crush on him now.
  8. How old were you when you first left home?
    13. For boarding school.
  9. What was the first foreign country you've gone to?
    Brunei. We lived there for more than 3 years. But, since it is on the same island as ours (Borneo) and very close to Lawas (the town we're currently living in in East Malaysia), we go there or pass by almost literally all the time! Who from Lawas has never been to Brunei, anyways? But as for the first foreign country I have ever been to for a real visit, it would be Indonesia (Bandung).

    At Tangkuban Perahu (Bandung) with my classmates and our beloved lecturer. This was back in 2012. [Image by my classmate who's not in the picture, Kay]

  10. What was the first foreign language you learnt?
    English? Everyone has to learn English in Malaysian schools so I don't know if that counts. If not, then I'd have to say French. We studied third language in boarding school. Only learnt enough to pass the final test. Only word I remember now is Bonjour. and some other phrases you wouldn't use in daily conversations.
  11. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
    Ba' kelalan. When I was very little. It's the village where my mom and late dad are originally from. 'til this day, it's either the twin otter or 4x4 trucks for 6 hours (now 4 to 5 hours) through terrible logging roads. My choice usually depends on my current budget situation.

    2011. This happened all the time. We'd then usually have to walk some distance ahead before the men can get the truck out of the mud and catch up with us. [Image by my cousin, Henrita]
  12. What was your first piercing?
    Normal ear piercings. I'm not sure of other Malaysian tribes, but every Lun Bawang girls has to have ear piercings as young as a year old. If you don't have ear piercings, then you're less of a girl. That's what my grandma said. My next piercing was on my navel at 14. or was it 15. This one's not a tradition.
  13. What was your first alcoholic drink?
    Heineken or Tiger. It was in a green can. I was in Primary school. Found an open can belonging to an uncle in our fridge at home and took a tiny sip out of curiosity. At that time, I thought it tasted horrible. My first real alcoholic drink was either Shandy or that punch drink my mom used to make for the grown ups during family get-togethers at our place.
  14. What was your first job?
    First non-official job was .. I don't know what exactly to call it, but I helped my aunty sweep hairs off the floor and wash people's hair at her salon. Haha. First official job though was as an accountant.
  15. When was the first time you quit a job?
    Just recently actually. Had to quit to focus on my studies.

    Taken probably on my last day at work. I'll miss not having to think of what to wear everyday to work. Haha [Image by my cousin, Henrita]
Yay! Finally my first post! Thanks for reading (if anyone is. haha) and I hope you'll drop by often!
